Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Whole Brain Teaching Excitement!

Last spring I came across this thing call Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) as I read one of the many blogs that I follow. I took a few minutes to see what it was all about. Well, I really liked it! It was a way to keep students engaged in their learning using simple procedures. The school year seemed to be going well but I did pull out one small part and tried it out with my students.

Class? yes! Worked really well. When I said "class" they answered "yes" every time. It was an easy way to grab each student's attention.

But that's as far as I went.

WBT was on my list of things to learn about over the summer and today was the day I took the leap and visited www.wholebrainteaching.com. WOW! I think this could be really great and I'm very excited. My head has been spinning so much with how I would like to do things.

My goal is going to be to start the very first day of school and see how my students by into it. I know the group I will be getting and I think they will take a very strong liking to it.

I will do my best to post my progress with it here as I implement it into my teaching practises.


  1. Super excited! You can do this and you'll do it well! Excited to learn from ya ;)

  2. Hi Cheryl!! I can't wait to read more from the ONLY Manitobian WBT blog I've found. I am so excited you found my blog and contacted me!! If you know of anyone else using WBT in Manitoba I hope you'll let me know because I really want to get a network together.

    Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching

  3. Hi Cheryl,
    It's great to see you blogging and thinking ahead to the upcoming school year! I recently finished a class about Universal Design for Learning that I think would be a great fit to what you are doing with whole brain teaching. I hope that I can come visit your grade two class to talk about the role of the brain in learning and how each of us has 9 multiple intellegences. Let's talk in September!

  4. Cheryl I'm giving your blog the Fabulous Blog Award! Stop by my blog to check it out and learn more :)

    Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching
